
Why is Neighbor Are So Important In Islam


As for other people, I have never had much of concern as to who lived next door/neighbor.Outside I did not smile or wave when I met them.If they said hello, I would just mumble and turn my head away or just outright ignore them.I never knew their names and I never really cared to must admit.They were just people who could be met nearby my home.

Annoyed by neighbor

On one fine morning, my next door neighbor, my friend Hudson requested sugar from me.Again I raised my eye brow, and huffed in pretense, of course, as if annoyed by his presence.I brought him the sugar, but did not utter any word.He thanked me, however I just closed the door on him.I did not bother to wait for discussion with the neighbors.

Smash door on neighbors

One more day, Mrs. Anna and her five year child was locked out their house and could not regain the entry.The boy cried during all this time while Mrs. Anna was going round the doors calling for a locksmith.When they came knocking to open the door and let them in so that we wait I angrily declined and shut the door on them.I had more important things to do than to try and make my neighbors feel good about themselves.

As for other people, I have never had much of concern as to who lived next door/neighbor. Outside I did not smile or wave when I met them.

Treat them as strangers

My neighbor living across the street slipped on the ice last year and suffered a fracture on his hip joint.Some other neighbors saw and immediately rushed to where he was.They called an ambulance while attempting to console him.Then, I just kept walking to my car without stopping.I had never met the man and his troubles were none of my business.

Doing my work

This I continued to do day after day to my neighbors.I was convinced they were just complete strangers, living within my reach.Bothering to be neighbourly was not worth it at all to me .All my interest was the property.

Suggestive dream

One night I had a very suggestive dream Oh Yes I think so I had a vivid dream.I was in a beautiful garden with waterfalls all around “I can’t believe this is the place where I’m employed and have to work everyday of the week.”Aold man with long beard wearing white garments came in.He said he came from God to give me a message.

Abusing to neighbors

He asked “My son, why do you abuse those neighbors who I have created?”Neighbors are a gift and a blessing to each other.According to the Quran we are encouraged to treat our neighbors as we would wish to be treated.My response was “But I don’t know them and don’t want to bother with them.

Know about your neighbor

”The man said “You should make the effort to get to know your neighbors.Sometimes it is possible to take a gift and at other times the best thing will be to offer support. This is the Muslim way.” He went on “When you are sitting on the dock, and the judge is God, one question that you may be asked is – What did you do to you neighbors?”If you do not improve yourself, your answer may make you feel ashamed of yourselves in the face of Allah.

Shocking awakening

”I awoke with the shock and astonishment from this realistic dream.Among his stories, the message I understood most concerning neighbors was from the old man.I suspect I never properly thought about the role of neighbours in Islam either until he spoke out those truths.

Changing of attitude

From the morning, I changed the way I addressed my neighbors.Next time when arranging with Hudson, Anna and other helpers inside the shop, I greeted them with smile and started waving hands like a fool.I noticed that they were shocked but happy to me being so friendly to them.

As for other people, I have never had much of concern as to who lived next door/neighbor. Outside I did not smile or wave when I met them.

Making relationship with neighbors

Since that situation I tried to take more time to talk to my neighbors whenever I cross their path.I took time to know their names and other small things concerning them to establish rapport.Of course it was odd around them at first after completely avoiding their company for a few days but they were grateful that I came back around.

Distributing sweets

On one occasion, instead of taking plate of sweets made and distributing them among myself and few friends, I went round sharing the sweets with my neighbors in the compounds.It made me happy to see their reactions of delight to help me pass my time pleasantly.Subconsciously they reciprocated it with their own forms of food gift the other subsequent days.This felt good, to start building community.

Helping the neighbors

Since there is a lot of degradation in the weather and it is now winter I went across the street to ask the old man Frank whether he required help in some domestic work or some errands.He was very much pleased to avail my offer and said he would be sure to let me know.Where I once would have crossed my fingers and looked the other way in Frank’s situation I now value myself as doing my bit for my neighbor.

As for other people, I have never had much of concern as to who lived next door/neighbor. Outside I did not smile or wave when I met them.

Asking neighbors for needs

I can still remember going for shopping I would always ask the people in my neighbors if they need anything for me to bring for them.This was not a challenge to me but they benefited from it.I also liked these little shades of interactions with neighbors and meeting people in my surroundings.

Giving place in home

It was so stormy one night that the electricity went out.I was relaxing by lighting some candles as well as planning on going to sleep early when there was a knock on the door.They had risen from Mrs. Anna and her son and they had waked up to find their house flooded, and they left with no place to go.Naturally, I greeted them in as soon as they were back from their excursion which shocked me so much.

Hard time together

That evening or rather in the evening I waited when the flood would cease in the morning and I realized how much my behavior had altered.I am not a bad man of course just couple of days before that I had rejected Mrs. Anna out of her house when she locked herself out.For when I have allowed my neighbours to get to know me as the He who opened His heart unto them as a neighbour, it would be impossible for me to shut out the same neighbours when they are in dire need of me.

The informative dream

The content of my dream and the lesson of the wise old man significantly transformed my relation to my neighbors.I no longer turn away or else pay them no attention.Now I have what may be seen as overtures of friendliness, helping and belonging in small ways and large.I had: forgotten the teachings of the quran on the blessings of neighbor.

As for other people, I have never had much of concern as to who lived next door/neighbor. Outside I did not smile or wave when I met them.

Feeling relaxed

When I, as a stakeholder work and try to give others my neighbors a respect and care I would wish to have myself, there are some positive incidences which accoss me commonly.I feel more relaxed and secure knowing there are other human beings who love me too.I have also received improved health due to the acts from my neighbors such as sharing of home cooked foods.

The ends

I was actually relieved that God spared me that dream in order to correct my direction towards respecting my neighbors.Alhamdulillah it has made me a much better Muslim and person in general.I thank God for the best blessings these wonderful people are so right around me.

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